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What Is Dementia and Why Is It So Common?

What Is Dementia and Why Is It So Common?

By 2060, an estimated 14 million people will suffer from dementia. With this estimation, understanding key facts about the group of symptoms is becoming more and more necessary. What Is Dementia? The most common misconception about dementia is that it is a disease in and of itself. This is understandable as many people use the term dementia in reference to a specific disease that affects them or a loved one. However, it is important to know that dementia is simply a group of symptoms. These symptoms may include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, mood changes, and being confused about time and place. They may be…
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Endometriosis – Key Things to Know

Endometriosis – Key Things to Know

Within the uterus, a tissue thickens and sheds as the menstrual cycle progresses. This tissue, known as the endometrium, is made of two layers. The top layer is dynamic and changes along with hormones throughout the month. Sometimes endometrium-like tissue or tissue from the endometrium is present outside of the uterus in a condition called endometriosis. Symptoms of Endometriosis In most cases of endometriosis, the tissue will reside solely on or around reproductive organs like the fallopian tubes or ovaries. However, it may grow in the areas of organs like the stomach and bladder. Endometrial tissue outside of the uterus does not shed…
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Musical Talent – Is It in the Genes?

Musical Talent – Is It in the Genes?

Musical talent is something that many people wish they possessed. Often, these people are comforted by the idea that, if they were to simply practice more, then they could achieve success in the world of music. However, researchers are still wondering if some people are more likely to have success in this pursuit than others due to their genetic makeup. They wonder whether someone with more practice under their belt could still be at an inherent disadvantage. Tone-deafness Tone-deafness, or congenital amusia, is an issue that affects a person’s ability to recognize differences in pitch. Being unable to distinguish between pitches is…
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How Is the Impossible Burger Made?

How Is the Impossible Burger Made?

The Impossible Burger is a meatless burger patty that has become widely available in recent years. The vegan food option was created by the company Impossible Foods and has been distributed by fast food restaurants like Burger King and White Castle. Its popularity may be due to the fact that many view it as a better alternative to beef burgers, both for the health of the people that consume it and the health of the environment. Impossible Foods claims that its burger manages to be made with plant products without causing erosion or the release of stored carbon dioxide from soil. This is…
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Sex Chromosome Abnormalities and Their Symptoms

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities and Their Symptoms

People are generally told that biological females have two X chromosomes while biological males have an X and a Y chromosome. However, it is just the presence or absence of a Y chromosome that researchers use to determine someone’s sex. If a person has a Y chromosome, they are considered to be a biological male and, if a person does not have a Y chromosome, they are considered a biological female. These distinctions exist because there are many sex chromosome combinations that are different from the two that are typically spoken of. XO Turner syndrome, sometimes represented by an XO,…
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Is Autism Genetic?

Is Autism Genetic?

The surge in autism diagnoses in recent decades has led to curiosity surrounding the biological origins of the condition. Some communities, especially those in the United States, have attributed the perceived increase in people with autism to environmental factors such as vaccines. However, this theory has proven false and researchers have since declared that autism is not on the rise. It seems that diagnoses are simply increasing along with increased awareness of the disorder. Somewhat obscured by all of the back and forth caused by misinformation, one question has been consistently posed: Is autism genetic? The Iffy Answer The answer to this question appears…
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DNA Vs. RNA: 3 Ways They Are Radically Different

DNA Vs. RNA: 3 Ways They Are Radically Different

DNA and RNA have similar names and are also both involved in the process of gene expression. This may make it difficult to know what the difference is between the two but there are a couple of key distinctions that people can use to help them better understand how they differ. DNA Is the Genetic Material DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, resides mostly in the nucleus which is a closed-off structure within the cell. From this area, DNA provides instructions on how to create things that help the body run. For example, the APOE gene, a region of DNA on chromosome 19,…
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Do Twins Run in Families? – Here Are the Facts

Do Twins Run in Families? – Here Are the Facts

In the United States alone, 114,161 sets of twins were born in 2021. The occurrence of twin births makes many people wonder whether there is a hereditary component to if twins run in families. The answer to this question really just depends. What Type of Twins Run In Families There are two types of twins: monozygotic and dizygotic. Monozygotic twins, or identical twins, occur as a result of a splitting of an already fertilized egg while dizygotic twins, or fraternal twins, occur when two individual eggs are fertilized separately. Current research shows that cases of monozygotic twins are random. However, some researchers believe…
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Two X Chromosomes: How Having Them Affects Your Health

Two X Chromosomes: How Having Them Affects Your Health

For the purposes of scientific and medical clarity, those born with two X chromosomes are referred to as biological females by researchers and medical personnel. There are other sex chromosome combinations that result in an individual being labeled a biological female such as the combinations XXX and XO. However, they are much rarer than an XX combination. Being a biological female indicates that an individual will receive a certain set of health advantages and disadvantages. Protection Against Certain Genetic Disorders The presence of two X chromosomes in someone’s cells provides that person with a higher level of genetic diversity than…
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How Are Genes Expressed?: A Quick and Easy Explanation

How Are Genes Expressed?: A Quick and Easy Explanation

Genes are often spoken about in academia and in pop culture. The word is one of the few pieces of science jargon that have made their way into common vernacular. However, most people are unaware of exactly how genes are able to influence all of our characteristics. Genes Are Made of DNA Genes are sections of DNA that can be read by the cells and are generally contained in the nucleus. These sections of DNA consist of four different types of molecules called nucleotides. The nucleotides are represented by A’s, T’s, C’s, and G’s. Two corresponding strands of DNA use…
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